Prodigy membership price
Prodigy membership price

prodigy membership price

Prodigy was one of these premium services. You either used a local BBS, where all communication stayed local unless the sysop was connected to a network like WWIV or Wildcat, or you used a paid service with nationwide reach. But before everyone got connected to the Internet, people who wanted to go online had to do other things. The Internet is one of those things that it is hard to remember what it was like not to have around. Guest contributor Michael Banks gives a look back at Prodigy’s tortured journey. Like many child prodigies that share the name, Prodigy started off with lots of promise, only to wind up being a disaster.

prodigy membership price

One of the early online destinations before the Internet was Prodigy. Guest contributor Michael Banks gives a look back at Prodigy's tortured journey. Like many child prodigies that share the name, Prodigy started off with lots of promise, only to wind up a disaster.

prodigy membership price

Prodigy: The pre-Internet online service that didn’t live up to its name

Prodigy membership price