If installation doesn’t start right away, double-click on the drive to kick it off. Put your game disc into your drive, and follow the instructions on-screen. If the game installation doesn’t start automatically, double-click on your DVD drive in My Computer to start the installer. Put your game disc into your DVD drive and follow the instructions on-screen. Make sure you have it ready before you start the installation.

When you’re installing from game discs, you need to type in your game code to install your game. If you're playing on disc (not through Origin) your game won't update past version 1.67. If you want the latest version of The Sims 3, download and install Origin, and it will update your game for you. If you’re playing on PC, use The Sims 3 expansion and Stuff pack manager to choose which expansions and Stuff packs you play with. If you need to reinstall something, or something you’ve bought does not download automatically, find it in the Origin client and click Download. If you’re having technical trouble and want to reinstall your game, make sure you back up your saves first!Īlways install The Sims 3 base game before installing any expansions, stuff packs, worlds or store content.Īnything you buy through Origin is added to your download queue. Check the box to agree to the Terms of Sale and Privacy Policy, and click Redeem.Click the + icon beside Redeem a code, then type your code into the boxes.Click on Store, then on My Store Account.Your code should be 20 digits long, if it’s 16 digits, then it’s for bonus content and you need to redeem that in a different place:.Type your code into the box and click the Register button.When your account is created, log in to it. If you don’t already have an account, click Create an account and follow the instructions on-screen to register.If you already have an EA Account, click Login and log in to your account.For any Worlds or additional downloadable items, use. The Sims 3 base game, Expansion Packs and Stuff Packs need to be redeemed on Origin. You’ll need to register these on The Sims 3 website, or redeem your codes for them in Origin. I bought a disc copy of The Sims 3, or a The Sims 3 expansion or stuff pack on disc When you do this, make sure you use the same account email you use for Origin so everything is added to the same account.You still need to visit to buy and download Worlds or to redeem any bonus codes you have.You don’t need to follow the steps below if you bought The Sims 3, your expansion(s), or your stuff pack(s) through Origin – anything you buy on Origin is automatically added to your account.Find out how to redeem your game code, download and install The Sims 3, its expansions, stuff packs and worlds.